Bring something green to EMF!

Do you have a favourite house plant or herb? Have you been planting seeds or cuttings this spring? Would you like to share or swap, or just to take something green and new back home with you as a novice gardener?

We’re excited to invite you to contribute to the Community Cultivation Collaboration (the CCC), a space to which anyone can bring small cuttings, offshoots, seedlings, bulbs or spare seeds for everyone to browse, and select from to take back home.

A plant growing in a glass beaker held up against the light; ready to go to EMF

The practical details

For the CCC to work we both need you to bring plants & take them home with you

Bringing plants to Electromagnetic Field 2024

  • If you can bring your shares and swaps in small non-glass containers or pots, that would be ideal - but, if transport space is tight, pack your swaps in plastic bags as we will have some containers available.
  • Please label what you have brought (surprises are lovely, but…).
  • Don’t forget to check in regularly during the event to keep an eye on the hydration of any growing offerings you’ve brought.

Bringing plants home

  • Be prepared to take away your new plant acquisitions (or any of your donations that haven’t been adopted) at the end of the event - so remember to save or bring clean(ish) plastic bags or pots in which to take your new acquisitions home.
  • You could also post your chosen cuttings into an empty water bottle to take home in your bags or rucksacks (you can cut open the bottle to extract them later).
  • If you’d like to make a donation to EMF funds in return for adopting a new plant, seedling, cutting or some seeds, that would be much appreciated - but it’s not required.

Important We’re really very sorry about this but, due to import/export regulations, please don’t take any plants or seeds out of the UK - we hope our international visitors can take home some green-fingered inspiration and enthusiasm instead!

A grow box of seedlings

Non-plant contributions

And for those creative makers who don’t grow, you could contribute …..

  • Small light-weight hanging features to attach to the ropes & crates around the space to complement the amazing lounge decorations.
  • Any/all of macrame, woven, canvas, leather, fabric or wooden pot hangers & mobiles.
  • Inspirational ideas for growers or wildlife enthusiasts that you could bring and put on display.

Displays can be electrical, mechanical or solar powered (but unfortunately we won’t be able to demonstrate anything hydro powered as there is no water supply in the tent).

We’re jumping up and down with enthusiastic anticipation of seeing a wide variety of green and creative contributions to Electromagnetic Field 2024!