EMF 2020: The One That Got Away
Electromagnetic Field 2020 was cancelled, but we thought you might want a memento.

These t-shirts were designed to commemorate the EMF that never happened. They will be available until the end of the year.
You can get one from our shop, along with hoodies, vests, and most excitingly: mugs.
The past
During the cancelled EMF weekend we launched a Time Machine, showing talks and performances that took place at our previous events in real-time.
We’re pleased to announce that after a thorough servicing the Time Machine will be revisiting historical EMF events every weekend. Forever.
From Friday to Sunday, visit our Time Machine to relive the past and catch things you missed. If you’d like to see every talk we’ve hosted you can do that too.
If you’re looking for events to tide you over until we return, next summer “May Contain Hackers” (MCH) will take place in the Netherlands. You’ll find many of the EMF team there.
Electromagnetic Field will return in 2022.
If you bought tickets to EMF 2020 you are guaranteed the opportunity to buy tickets to our next event. We will be in touch with details closer to the ticket sale.
Organising EMF is a colossal amount of work and we need your help to make it happen. If you’re interested in helping out, the team will begin our search for volunteers in 2021.
We’ll see you in the field.
Love, The EMF Team